In celebration of the Day of the dead, Pete’s Fruit Market will have an altar at the Mitchell Park Domes on Friday, October 26, 2018. We will feature our famous hot chocolate and warm pecan drink complimented by sweet bread like churros and conches. Join us in our celebration as we partner with local Mexican restaurants from across the city to celebrate a rich cultural holiday. Purchase your admission tickets for this fantastic event here. Hope to see you there!



Friday, October 26, 2018
6:00 – 9:00pm

A cultural celebration for the whole family.

The Friends of the Domes is introducing a new event this year to celebrate Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. While this Mexican celebration occurs around the same time of year as Halloween, it is a completely different holiday with rich symbolism and traditions that appeal to people young and old.

The Desert Dome will be filled with cheerful candlelight, orange marigolds, and colorful decorations. View traditional ofrendas located throughout the Domes. Guests will enjoy a mariachi band and dancing in the Show Dome. Children will enjoy free crafts such as creating artistic marigolds, painting sugar skulls, or for a fee of $5 building a skull garden. They can interact with and have photos taken with characters in costume. The evening will be infused with educational opportunities to learn about this rich cultural event that is quickly gaining popularity all over the country.


Tasty meets healthy at Pete’s Fruit Market. Pick up a yummy treat while you get your weekly grocery shopping done. Find the treats at our Pete’s truck right outside of our front doors (1400 S Union Street).

We are very excited to partner with the Milwaukee Public Library-Mitchell Street Branch for their Snack Hack program. Mark your calendars for August 18th: cooking class with our Director of Operations, Rob. Visit the MPL website for further details here

Pete's Fruit Market